Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Spam Musubi, Chicken Nuggets and Sweet Potato Fries

My poor fiance was sick today, so I made him breakfast. Dinner was even better, but you'll see that in a second.

As far as breakfast, I have to blame Andrew Zimmern for this one. We were watching the Hawaii episode, and all of a sudden my man got a craving for spam musubi. We didn't have the right kind of rice, but we had everything else, so...

Spam Musubi in a Bowl

1 cup brown rice

1/2 can Spam

Salt and pepper to taste

Cook the brown rice according to the package directions (usually 3 cups water to 1 cup rice, cook till the rice grains swell and burst and the water disappears, about 30 minutes). In the meantime, cut the Spam into small cubes and brown them in a pan. Put the cooked rice in a bowl, season with salt and pepper, and add the Spam. Serves three.

Dinner was a reasonably speedy affair. I found chicken thighs in the freezer and made short work of them. Thank goodness for YouTube videos...

Chicken Strips

6 chicken thighs, sliced into strips

2 cups breadcrumbs

2 cup panko breadcrumbs

4 eggs

3 cups oil

Salt and pepper to taste

Heat the oil in a pan. Meanwhile, beat the four eggs in a bowl and lightly season with salt and pepper. Combine the breadcrumbs and season them as well. Dry the chicken strips and dip them first in the egg, then cover them with breadcrumbs. Fry them in the hot oil till golden brown. Serves three.

The sweet potatoes... what can I say? I turned them into french fries, my favorite side! YouTube came to my rescue again. It's the best way to figure out how to slice a root vegetable into fry shapes.

Sweet Potato Fries

1 1/2 sweet potatoes, sliced into sticks

1 cup cornstarch

Sugar (or Splenda) and salt to taste

After the chicken strips are done, lightly coat the sweet potatoes with cornstarch and fry them in the hot oil till golden brown. Sprinkle with sugar (or Splenda) and salt to taste. Serves two.

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